Fasoo Client Installation and Deployment
The Fasoo client is one installer package, regardless of the client modules used. Depending on customer preference, it can be an executable or an MSI package for Windows. There is a 32-bit and 64-bit version. The 32-bit version supports legacy Windows operating systems if needed. The Fasoo client for macOS is delivered as pkg and dmg files. The client can be installed manually, from a login script, or through a software distribution process using any third-party software. An interactive interface or a silent installation is available. Ensure users exit all applications before installing the Fasoo client. If applications are running, users are prompted to exit the application before continuing with the installation. A manual or scripted system reboot may be required if a silent installation is used.
Windows Client MSI Deployment
The table below shows common switches available to control the installation of an MSI package using a software distribution tool, like Microsoft SCCM, Microsoft InTune, Tanium, or through a script. These can be combined to do a silent installation with numerous control methods. You can also run the commands from a Windows command prompt or Powershell as an admin.
Enter msiexec.exe /help at a command prompt to show all the available options for MSI installation.
Switches for MSI | Description |
/package or /i | Installs or configures a product (product.msi) |
/quiet or /qn | Runs in quiet mode with no user interface |
/norestart | Do not restart the computer after the installation is complete |
/promptrestart | Prompts the user to restart the computer if necessary |
/forcerestart | Always restart the computer after installation |
/passive | Runs in a mini user interface window showing only a progress bar |
/uninstall or /x | Uninstalls the Fasoo client |
/log “logFileName” | Set a log for the installation process |
/help | Provides all MSIEXEC options to install a package |
Below is an example of a script to install the Fasoo client silently using a distribution tool like Microsoft SCCM, Microsoft InTune, or Tanium. The script prompts the user for a restart if required. The same can be used as a logon script or batch file for any installation process.
msiexec /promptrestart /i Fasoo_DRM_Client.msi /qn
ECHO Initiating System Restart in 5 minutes SHUTDOWN /R /T 300 /F /C "Newly installed software requires this system to reboot. Please save your work within the next 5 minutes after which the system will restart." |
Windows Client Executable Deployment
Organizations can deploy the Fasoo client using a batch file, Active Directory GPOs, or a software distribution platform. The installer contains aupdate.exe (the main installation program) and Microsoft Visual C++ (VC++) redistributable package (vcredist_x86.exe or vcredist_x64.exe). The client uses the VC++ package for operation (for operating systems older than Windows 10) and requires at least the 2008 Redistributable 9.0 version. Check with Fasoo for the current supported version.
The table below shows options available to control the installation of an exe file. These can be combined to do a silent installation with numerous control methods.
Switches | Description |
aupdate | Runs main executable when doing a silent installation |
quiet | Runs with no user interface |
passive | Runs in a mini user interface window |
full | Runs with a normal user interface window |
runonce | Sets a Windows registry entry to run the installation after a system reboot |
uninstall | Uninstalls the Fasoo client |
norestart | Do not show the selection message for reboot |
forcerestart | Always show the selection message for reboot |
vcrd | Execute the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable package |
silentvcrd | Silently execute the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable package |
notcheckvcrd | Do not check if the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable package is installed |
urx | Restart explorer.exe without restart message |
log “logFileName” | Set a log for the installation process |
Below is an example of a batch file to install the Fasoo client executable silently using a distribution tool, login script, or batch file. It shows a method of determining if the operating system is 32-bit or 64-bit for legacy support.
:: Check if the Operating System is 32 bit or 64 bit FOR /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%f IN ('wmic os get osarchitecture /value ^| find "="') DO SET OS_ARCH=%%f
:: Select EXE file to match the OS architecture. IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files\Fasoo DRM\fclient.exe" ( IF %OS_ARCH%==64-bit ( SET INSTALLABLE=.\Fasoo_64.exe -aupdate -quiet -norestart -silentvcrd -runonce FasooInstall )
IF %OS_ARCH%==32-bit ( SET INSTALLABLE=.\Fasoo_32.exe -aupdate -quiet -norestart -silentvcrd -runonce FasooInstall ) START "" !INSTALLABLE!
ECHO Initiating System Restart in 2 hours SHUTDOWN /R /T 300 /F /C "Newly installed software requires this system to reboot. Please save your work within the next 5 minutes after which the system will restart." EXIT ) ELSE ( ECHO The Fasoo client is already installed on %COMPUTERNAME% EXIT ) |
Windows Client MSI Uninstallation
Below is an example of a script to uninstall the Fasoo client silently using a distribution tool like Microsoft SCCM, Microsoft InTune, or Tanium. You can also run this command from a Windows command prompt or Powershell as an admin.
msiexec /x /quiet /promptrestart /i Fasoo_DRM_Client.msi
ECHO Initiating System Restart in 5 minutes SHUTDOWN /R /T 300 /F /C "Removing instilled software requires this system to reboot. Please save your work within the next 5 minutes after which the system will restart." |